Thursday, January 14, 2010

My glass...

is it half full or half empty? Most of the time my state of mind is, its getting low let me chug that and you can refill it for me. Often times I want to trade the glass in for an easy button for life. The comparison of a glass as life is an interesting one. Its a glass, lets smash it with a hammer or well add some liquor to that, crown or jager anyone? Beings how life isn't really that easy I thought I would reflect on life then and figure out how to refill it :D

Looking back on the last two years of life
*start completely over with next to nothing, live on my own for the first time.
*get a real full time job.
*raise my boys
*heart ripped out and stomped on shredded by someone that I thought was a good person.
Mostly I spent this time winging it!
*car blew up when I could least afford a new one.
*mom got sick
*got in car wreck
*death of my mother

Thats a lot to face down! BUT I did it and most of the time with some flair! So lets look at what I do have.
*A new car that I can mostly afford
*three awesome, wonderful well adjusted little boys who keep me grounded in the moment
*Two jobs that allow me to be with my boys for the most part when they are home, keep a roof over our heads, chocolate near at hand and shoes at our feet. Look at that two of my favorite things in one sentence!
*an amazing group of friends and back up support that I have met in the last year!
*A wonderful relationship with my father, watching him be human and cry is the hardest thing I have done but being able to see it all and hold hands through it all is truly a blessing.
*being close to my sisters.
*an amazing boyfriend who has shown me that I deserve to be totally and completely happy! Who is the mish to my mash.

And what do I have to look forward to?
*a very soon move in with said boyfriend. A new step forward that I believe is going to be amazing.
*back to school maybe?
*calmer more peaceful days
*watching my boys flourish
*slowing down with the two job thing?
*spring is coming eventually!
*continuing new hobbies even tho I am not great at them (Golf could be the death of me!)
*finding my own path and dancing along it like no one is watching!

Yes my friends, life is crazy, hectic and we all wish for the easy button. But I chose, this year, to fill my own glass!

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