Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So this is brand new, where do I start?

My story is long and detailed and I am terrible at doing it in order. I am going to hop around and it will probably not make sense but I feel the need to get it all down and out or else all these feelings and emotions are going to drown me. I don't even know if I mean for this to be read by anyone, it just seems like a good place to get all of the rush of emotions out without burdening those around me with trying to make me feel better or add to their grief. I have tried very hard to be stoic, to get through this time without affecting anyone else around me. That has proved to be unwise, so I shall ramble, and write and see where it leads me in my journey.

Lets start with the basics. My mom, one of my best friends, the lady who raised me, was my role model MY MOM! was diagnosed with liver cancer in April of 2009 after being admitted to the hospital for pneumia. We were rocked back but determined to beat this thing. Novemeber 17, 2009 my passed away. Thats the long and short of it! There is alot in between and alot I will be dealing with from here on out. Wanna come along on the journey with me?

Not only that I am a mom, specifically a single mom to 3 rowdy, active, crazy, wonderful boys. They are my life, they are the reason I still wake up every morning and let my feet hit the floor. I am sure you will hear alot about them as well :D

I have a dad, he is awesome, and 3 half sisters. Our family is large when you add in kids, cousins, aunts, uncles and all those we take in with us. They are pretty awesome, all of them at some times ;)

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